There are two types of Lee-Enfields out there. There are the pristine or refurbished, fully wooded, original-as-they-come investments. And then there are the sporters. These chopped and changed pieces of history make excellent first time hunter’s tools, or the basis of many a project.
We’re going to take a quick look at how to remove and replace (or upgrade) the furniture on your 303, and talk about some of the interesting things you’ll find along the way. Whether you’re building an awesome wildcat, such as a 25-303 or even a 40-303, or just beautifying grandad’s old hunter, I hope the steps in this article are helpful for your project.
Remove the floor metal

Remove the butt plate or pad

Unscrew the butt stock

Select a stock to replace or upgrade your current furniture
There’s a chance you’re doing a straight swap for reproduction or original SMLE furniture. This could be because you’re replacing a broken stock, or restoring the rifle to its as-issued condition. Firstly, good luck finding furniture for a No 1 Mk iii. I’ve tried. You may as well keep your sporter and buy a whole specimen, because that’s the kind of money you’re looking at shelling out.
On the other hand, you could be looking to upgrade your old beater to something more functional. You do get synthetic Monte Carlo stocks that will lighten your rifle and bring your eye better in-line with a scope, but plastic just doesn’t feel right for these fine old beasts.
I’ve decided my project 303 needs a hardwood solution, and the Boyds laminate Field Design stock got the nod. With the customisation options available, you can create a unique firearm that not only performs better, but is a joy to look at every time you take it out of the safe.
We’ll have a review of the stock itself coming soon, and a detailed write up of the stock upgrade and other improvements to this rifle. In the meantime, below are some steps to take when fitting your new stock.
Fit and finish
Different iterations of the SMLE will have varying parts that need to be accommodated. There is so much variance in tolerances from arsenal to arsenal, that you’ll be glad if your stock manufacturer has left this last step for you to do yourself.

Good article for novices, but why is there such a large gap between the butt stock and rear of the receiver?
Thanks for the feedback!
Actually it’s not finally bolted on in these pics. However, I did need to relieve a small amount of wood to get it flush with the receiver in the end. I also had a small shim made for the gap between forend and receiver.
I’ll be covering this in more detail in an upcoming review particularly on the Boyds Field Design stock. This piece was more focused on how to remove/replace/upgrade in general.
Hey Geoff,
A good article – many thanks. In regards to the Boyds stock, can licensed kiwi firearm owners order direct from the Boyds website or do we need to go through some paperwork with NZ Police prior to ordering?
Hi Rhys,
You can order any firearm part for A Cat firearms that are not semi automatic.
You need a permit to import for E or B Cat items. Because most A Cat semi auto parts can be for E CAT semi autos too, you may run into trouble there.
But for stocks for a bolt action – you’re all good!
There is one other issue though. Certain firearm parts cannot be exported from the USA without a Federal Export Licence. For stocks, they cannot be exported without a (costly) licence, unless they are under $100 USD. Boyds won’t export unless under $100.
Boyds sell the Lee-Enfield stock and forend as separate items. You could possibly place two separate orders and squeeze them under $100 each, but you’ll pay a bit more in shipping obviously.
Thanks again for reading!
Hi Rhys,
You may be aware already, but just saw your comment again and thought I’d let you know – The Gun Rack is now importing Boyds gunstocks, enabling you to get just about anything your heart desires!
Email if there’s anything you’re after.
I’ve fitted a nutmeg stock to my SMLE. lobbed the barrel down to 18inches, fitted a 7.62 AR flash suppressor and a XS scout sight rail and Huber trigger and Aimpoint M2. End result, a brilliant scrub gun. Also shot a sub moa group with it…. not sure how I did it, but it happened!
Lastly, the fanbase for the 303 round is active trying to get Lithgow Arms to release a limited edition LA102 in 303. Have a look at the petition.
Hi Bat,
Sounds like you’ve pulled together a pretty awesome project rifle. Perfect bush gun really.
All over it mate – already signed the petition and posted on our FB page!
Did you ever figure out the gap with the reciver?
Hi Robert,
The gap between the butt stock and the receiver was just because I had not tightened it in the pics. I did need to relieve a small amount off the donut shaped wood that inserts into the metal band of the receiver. That was easy enough, and the butt stock snugged up nicely.
As far as the gap between forend and receiver, I had a 1mm shim made up by a tool maker friend of mine, and it fills that gap nicely. The gap there seems to be to allow for variations between different SMLE manufacturers. I measured up two other 303s I own, and they all measured a bit differently here. The one I have the stock on has the smallest metal receiver band of the three.
Hi Geoff, love the work on the SMLE , I am looking at doing the same with a spare No1 Mk3 i have.
A few questions if you don’t mind:
1. What is the recoil pad you used ? Did you have to shape it or is there one that directly fits?
2. Are you able to confirm the part number for the forend? I have Item #: 1438229091ZZ but the picture on the website does not match?
3. The modification to the rear ring of the action – i don’t have access to get it machined – do you think a dremel and sanding would be sufficient ?
Thanks for you help
Hi David,
Thanks for the kind words! Cool to hear of another 303 being rejuvenated with a laminate stock, there are a few in NZ now.
1) It’s a Pachmyr decelarator I think. I can check when I get home. I got this fitted from Boyds. I don’t know why they don’t have this on their website at the moment as an option. I can ask them for you. Otherwise, you would have to get a grind to fit option.
2) That’s correct. The images of both the butt stock and forend are default images, as they have quite a few different types of guns that have separate butt stocks and forends.
3) You could absolutely do it with a dremel and some sand paper or small files. You may want to make your downward cuts with a saw, to get them nice and straight. There’s a fair bit of mucking around with Lee Enfields, but if you’re undertaking this project, I’m sure you’re aware of that.
If you’re not aware, I’m importing Boyds stocks now. I can get these in for you and save you a fair bit of money compared to doing 2 separate orders to get the forend and buttstock under US$100 each
Hi Geoff, appreciate the response. Do you have an email address so I can send you some details and what I am after so we can discuss options etc
Hi David,
Yup, you can reach me at