Hi, welcome to the Gun Rack. If you’ve been over to my About page, you’d know my some of my history and why I keep this website going. I have a love of firearms, shooting, reloading and competition – and this is my space to share all of the knowledge I pick up along the way.
If you’re here because you have a question about a particular article, post or review – please leave a comment on that article instead. That way I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’ll also get an automatic email, so don’t worry – I do actually see all of the comments.
For those who want to ask about something not on the website or would like to suggest a topic or review, please email me at info@gunrack.co.nz. That’s also the best email to use if you would like to find out about advertising your firearms-related services or merchandise on this website, or if you would like to submit a product for review.
New Zealand has a great shooting community, and if we all keep adding to it – it can only get better.
Thanks for stopping by,